Type alias Model<C, MS>

Model<C, MS>: {
    markets: Markets<C, MS>;
    swaps: Swaps<C, MS>;
    time: Time<C, MS>;

High level model for interacting with the zeitgeist nodels like markets, assets, liquidity pools etc. Features depends if the sdk is connected to rpc, indexer or both. Some features like submitting transactions require a rpc connection while querying markets etc have more fine graned query filters and ordering when connected to the indexer.

Type Parameters

Type declaration

  • markets: Markets<C, MS>

    Model for interacting with zeitgeist markets. Will also handle metadata storage if configured to do so. If you connect to the zeitgeist main or testnet, this should be configured automatically over IPFS.

  • swaps: Swaps<C, MS>

    Model for interacting with zeitgeist swaps module. Has functionality ti List liqudity pools, join pools with liquidity and swap assets in and out.

  • time: Time<C, MS>

    Model for getting chain time data like block duration on chain timestamp etc.

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