Clean up the pool of a resolved market.
The root origin.
Omit<ReportOutcomeParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Destroy a market, including its outcome assets, market account and pool account.
Must be called by DestroyOrigin
. Bonds (unless already returned) are slashed without
exception. Can currently only be used for destroying CPMM markets.
{signer: KeyringPairOrExtSigner}
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Immediately move an open market to closed.
{signer: KeyringPairOrExtSigner}
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Immediately move a reported or disputed market to resolved.
{signer: KeyringPairOrExtSigner}
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Approves a market that is waiting for approval from the advisory committee.
{signer: KeyringPairOrExtSigner}
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Buy a full set of market assets.
Omit<ExchangeFullSetParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Deploy a swap pool for the market.
Omit<PoolDeploymentParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, RpcPool>>
Deploy a swap pool for the market and add liquidity.
Omit<PoolDeploymentParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, RpcPool>>
Dispute the current market outcome with a proposed new outcome.
Omit<ReportOutcomeParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Fetch metadata from external storage(default IPFS).
Redeem the shares for a market.
{ signer: KeyringPairOrExtSigner } & TransactionHooks
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Report the outcome of a market. Can only be called by the markets oracle address.
Omit<ReportOutcomeParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Sell a full set of market assets.
Omit<ExchangeFullSetParams, 'marketId'>
Promise<EitherInterface<Error, ISubmittableResult>>
Generated using TypeDoc
Interface on market with methods for deploying swap pools, buying and selling sets of assets..