Function getAssetWeight

  • Get the weight of an asset in a pool by its AssetId.



    Type Parameters

    • C extends Context<MS>

    • MS extends MetadataStorage<{
          __meta: "markets";
          categories: undefined | ({ name: string; img?: string | undefined; ticker?: string | undefined; color?: string | undefined; })[];
          confidentialId: undefined | string;
          description: string;
          img: undefined | string;
          question: string;
          scalarType: undefined | "number" | "date";
          slug: string;
          tags: undefined | string[];
      }, MS>


    • pool: Data<C, C extends RpcContext<MS> ? RpcPool : never, C extends IndexerContext ? IndexedPool<C, MS> : never, MS>

      Pool<C, MS>,

    • _assetId: {
          CategoricalOutcome: [MarketId, number];
      } | {
          ScalarOutcome: [MarketId, "Short" | "Long"];
      } | {
          Ztg: null;
      } | {
          PoolShare: number;
      } | ZeitgeistPrimitivesAsset

    Returns IOption<Decimal>

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