Type alias IAEither<L, R>

IAEither<L, R>: {
    asEither: (() => Promise<IEither<L, R>>);
    bind: (<B>(f: ((a: R) => AEither<L, B> | Promise<B>)) => IAEither<L, B>);
    isLeft: (() => Promise<null | IEither<L, R>>);
    isRight: (() => Promise<null | IEither<L, R>>);
    map: (<B>(f: ((a: R) => B)) => IAEither<L, B>);
    unleft: (() => Promise<IOption<L>>);
    unleftOr: ((or: aeither.OrHandler<R, L>) => Promise<L>);
    unright: (() => Promise<IOption<R>>);
    unrightOr: ((or: aeither.OrHandler<L, R>) => Promise<R>);
    unwrap: (() => Promise<R>);
    unwrapLeft: (() => Promise<L>);
} & Promise<R>

Interface over AEither to call methods directly on Either objects that implements it.

Type Parameters

  • L

  • R

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